Public Consultations
Open dialogue & public consultations
ORMEX is organized to ensure that it renders a high-quality VCM standard and associated duties and services with a high level of professionalism, and to maintain the trust placed on the ORMEX PROGRAM.
Sharing knowledge, experience and innovations for co-creating the ORMEX PROGRAM and STANDARD and associated processes is one of the main principles of ORMEX Governance.
The ORMEX PROGRAM is based upon participants’ feedback and experiences, initially built with consideration of both potential Project Holder and Carbon Buyer views.
ORMEX makes use of a diversity of views and expertise and invites scientific and VCM experts when necessary.
ORMEX is also organized to review and analyze participant feedback. When necessary, ORMEX may involve the Standard Advisory Council or other experts to provide both generic and detailed comments and propose suggestions for improvements.
All proposals for improvement are overseen by the Standard Executive Committee.
Grievance Mechanism:
ORMEX has established a grievance mechanism to become aware of and to be able to respond to any claims, complaints and/or disputes arising by any stakeholders in relation to the ORMEX PROGRAM, STANDARD, Methodology, Certified Projects (non-Conformity), V-ACORs issuances and/or Transfers.
Find more information at this dedicated page : Grievance mechanism
Free open dialogue : Contact us
Program & Standard development through public consultations
On-going public consultations
No current on-going public consultations.
Closed public consultations
Public Consultation on ORMEX STANDARD PRINCIPLES AND REQUIREMENTS initially edited version – SEC/OST/PR_EN v1.2_2023_05_21
Initial information: You are invited to comment on the initial version of the document « ORMEX STANDARD PRINCIPLES AND REQUIREMENTS ».
Comments must be submitted by using the following link up to November 14th, 2023, 11:59 PM CET.
Public Consultation on ORMEX METHODOLOGY FRAMEWORK initial edited version – SEC/METH/AGR-MF01_EN_v2.4_2023_05_01
Initial information: You are invited to comment on the initial version of « ECOSYSTEMIC REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE METHODOLOGY FRAMEWORK]
Comments must be submitted by using the following link up to November 14th, 2023, 11:59 PM CET.
For any questions related to a public consultation, you are invited to send us an email at: legal@ormex.io